Tagged: Animation

American alien

Planet 51 is a retro-styled animated feature movie and game produced in Spain for international release, created by Ilion Animation Studios and Pyro Studios using a pipeline including Autodesk 3ds Max and Maya

Old time tipple

Brand New School’s cross-media campaign for Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey centres around a ‘label story’ narrative depicted in stylish monochrome, evocative of both the brand and its origins.

By the numbers

Not To Scale directors Vincent have designed MTV’s end of year countdown, as well as a flurry of toy-themed stings and sequences

Royal rivals

th1ng director Run Wrake has animated a majestic TV spot for Wieden + Kennedy and The Guardian and The Observer newspapers

Dead Eyed

Digital Domain has continued to hone its Oscar-winning expertise in facial visual effects by giving the eyes of live-action actors a haunting, hyper-photorealistic quality in a TV commercial for Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed II

Olympic spirit

Nexus director Johnny Kelly has created a stop motion spot for the IOC that encapsulates the spirit of Olympic goodwill

Fish food

Blur Studio has created a campaign of cinematic CG spots for Goldfish crackers, directed by first time director Leo Santos.

No strings

SpeakeasyFX has created the first 3D animated series to be part of the Sesame Street television programme.

Reanimated anime

Astro Boy, the long-awaited animated film version by Imagi Studios of the iconic Japanese manga character, was created using a Maya-based, around-the-clock production pipeline spanning Hong Kong and Hollywood.

Cell animation

Animation and design studio Plastic Milk has created a CG film to highlight Vidaza, a new drug in the fight against MDS, a blood disorder which leads to leukemia.

Pushing pixels

Smith & Foulkes, the Nexus directing duo, create a nice little spot for the first web-connected home printer from HP

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