Tagged: BBC

Buzzwords for Kevin Bridges

PlayDead has created innovative motion graphics and titles for the BBC1 series “Kevin Bridges: What’s The Story?”, which follows the comedian as he discusses the inspirations for his standup routine. Follows being the operative word here – the graphics float around after the Glaswegian comic like a swarm of bees.

devilfish delivers distinctive BBC branding

devilfish has been working overtime since being signed to the BBC’s Branding and Identity roster, including a distinct set of designs for BBC Four and its new ‘Handmade in Britain’ series, as well as for a new Radio 4 dramatisation of Vasily Grossman’s Life and Fate.

Steampunk space travel

Rushes has completed full pre-production and concept design along with 312 total VFX shots and full CG Selenite creature animation for ‘The First Men In The Moon’, the latest outing on the BBC for director and screenwriter pair, Damon Thomas and Mark Gatiss.


The 35th annual MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival has announced an impressive line-up of creative and industry luminaries.

Top toys for boys

HD and stereoscopic 3D specialist BTV provided all the postproduction for James May’s Toy Stories, which features some ambitious world record-breaking projects. Ross Copeland, Senior Colourist and Online editor, used SGO Mistika for the entire project.

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