Taken for a spin

Disqo and CHI have created a photorealistic 360-degree journey around the latest car from Lexus, as well as a micro-site that features a virtual trip through Europe.


Disqo’s CGI and Flash development expertise was used to create a 360-degree vision of the car, a 3D replica of the Lexus IS 250C, on a revolving platform.

The user can either scroll through 20 different viewpoints of the car, each one linking to a European place of interest, to take a smooth 360-degree journey around the car.Lexus_IS250C_03

Alternatively they can select a European location from a subtly integrated map, where each location then links to the car in a revolving manner to reveal a different perspective.

The site also features hotspots within the car, such as navigation and safety, which link to explanatory interactive videos.Lexus_IS250C_04

Disqo created and animated all 3D assets and also undertook all Flash development. The main challenge was in creating navigation around a huge volume of graphics – 1,200 in total.


View the Lexus IS 250C site

See more by Disqo

Product: Lexus IS 250C
Agency: CHI
Design & Production: Disqo
Disqo Producer: Bryony Harrison
Design: Ben Leyland

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