Design is Fun

My feature on how to keep your interest in design alive for Digital Arts.
MTV Hitman design by Alec East
As well as being a very timely subject given the current economic climate, it allowed me to highlight some great work by companies like Allofus, ticktockrobot, Dragon Rouge and on-IDLE, and designers such as Alec East, as well as professionals from the vfx and motion graphics world such as Gurel Mehmet at Double Negative, Simon Terrey at Sassy Films, Ian Bird, of Bird Studios, and Dale Newton at Framestore.

In the feature, these designers share how they keep loving what they do for a living and provide some invaluable advice on how you can keep that design fire burning.

Here are a couple of tips, as a taster:

Take pride in your work
For me, motivation comes from the knowledge that the work I am creating is the best it possibly can be. I would also say that taking an interest in creative processes outside of your own chosen field can be inspiring and will inform your own work.
– Ian Bird, Managing and Creative Director, Bird Studios

Step away from the Mac
Remember being a designer isn’t just about being a Mac wizard and knowing software inside out. If you can’t come up with fresh, inspiring ideas without using a Mac then you’re not being a very good designer at all! Pick up the pencil and paper and sketch!
-Keshi Bouri, Creative Director of Dragon Rouge

If that has whet your appetite, read the full feature online at Digital Arts

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